
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

What is your legacy?

The infinity symbol can also be represented by the figure eight because of its continuous, perpetual path.  This is my world view.  We are all interconnected; humanity, creation and the Creator and we have a choice to join in the positive, life giving energy of the Creator/God or to strike out to find our own path, generated from our own energy.  

Regardless of whether or not we join the Creator in His plan or strike out on our own, our lives will have some element of impacting the infinity loop.  The impact of our lives corresponds with how much and the type of energy that we generate.  

So, in the best case scenario, we work real hard, we help some people along the way and we die.  Our legacy is what turns the corner and returns to the world of the living.  If we helped more than we hurt; gave more than we took, loved more than we feared than there might be a chance that a positive cycle will be perpetuated.  But if the opposite is true then our legacy or the impact of our lives will perpetuate negative cycles.  

When we join God and His plan then we are contributing to something much larger than ourselves.  As we learn to trust His plan then His strength and energy grows in us and positively impacts those around us.  

All of this might sound a bit mystical but here is another way to put it.  I believe that we are all born into this world with the seed of the Creator inside of us.  As we grow and become more self-aware, we long for connection, purpose; to make a positive contribution.  The Creator seed can only grow once we die to ourselves and the Creator seed is the key to connection to Him, others and all of creation.

What do you think about the idea of the Creator seed?  Does it make sense that we first need to die in order to live?

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