This morning I was listening to Seth Godin’s "Tribes" and one of his challenges was to publish a manifesto. According to a manifesto is a public declaration of intentions, opinions, objectives, or motives, as one issued by a government, sovereign, or organization. Well, this manifesto is actually personal; it the way that I would like to live my life and I want to surround myself with people who also embrace these credos. So here it is. My manifesto is to:
- Live by faith not by fear.
- Love people without judgments or conditions.
- Let gratitude be the constant expression of your life.
- Never stop learning, growing, creating.
- Lead by example
- Be transparent - Keep it real!
- Commit to living in community; invest in others and let them invest in you!
- Live with sustainability in mind; now and for the future.
- Take responsibility for change starting with yourself.
- Create value wherever you go.
- Listen with the sincere intent to understand.
- Remember that it’s the small choices that make the big difference.
Do you or your organization have a manifesto or credos? Please share them because they might offer inspiration to anyone reading this. Thanks!
This is Seth Godin's TED Talk on, "The Tribes We Lead".