
Friday, January 3, 2014

Welcoming 2014 - Celebrating Community


2014 is here and for many of us we welcomed in the new year in a very celebratory fashion.  For myself and my friends, we went into the the city of Chicago to watch the fireworks at the Navy Pier.  It was spectacular.  

With each new year we have high hopes and great expectations that it will be even better than the previous one.  For myself, the theme that I have adopted for 2014 is building community and one way I hope to do this is by sharing the ways in which I am learning and growing with my online community.  

Some people might not think that it is possible to truly build community from a virtual communications channel but I disagree.  I have a Master's degree because someone that I met on Facebook introduced me to a program from Eastern University that she loved.  I've done a great deal of networking through online social media channels.  Who knows, I might even meet my wife online.  Maybe we can talk more about that one in a future post. 

If you're interested in being involved in community as well, please let me know.  I think that we have a lot to learn from one another and as we do we can expect great things for 2014!